Groundbreaking: Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS) Bogart – Oconee County
On November 17, 2023, our Albion team, along with design partners, CPL, were welcomed by the Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS) team for a groundbreaking ceremony to celebrate the beginning of construction for the Bogart Center in Oconee County. This groundbreaking joined several notable guests including the Georgia and DDS Bogart staff members and Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp.
This new facility is being managed and procured by the Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission (GSFIC), and is expected to offer support a “self-service” model, to offer a faster and more efficient experience to it visitors. The 8,000 sq. ft. customer service facility will feature self-service kiosks as well as a dozen issuance stations. It will also include a space for computer-aided customer information collection and testing, administrative offices and storage spaces. This new project will join over 65 centers across Georgia in an initiative to revitalize their customer service facilities.

As the team broke ground on this project, there was a strong sense of community and nothing but excitement from each of the attendees. For Governor Kemp, this new project offered a personal connection as the current DDS Bogart location marked the location where he received his own driver’s license.

For this project, we joined our long-time partners at CPL to collaborate on the development of this new facility and to also preserve the grounds it will be build on. The site will share a space with a stunning tree that has resided on the land for over 50 years. CPL’s brilliant design plan will allow for the tree to not only remain on the and, but for it to be enjoyed by all that visit the customer service center.
The new DDS Bogart Driver Services Customer Center is scheduled for completion in Late Fall 2024.