Celebrating Black History Month: Temi Aladegbemi
As we observe Black History Month, we are celebrating members of our Albion team by celebrating their stories of diversity and the importance of Black History Month in the construction industry. Assistant Project Manager, Temi Aladegbemi shares about her experience so far in the industry and how inspiring others will build a brighter future for the next generation!

What are some personal or professional accomplishments you are most proud of? I am most proud of founding Kennesaw Women in Construction (KWIC), which was the first women’s only student organization on the Kennesaw State University College of Architecture & Construction Management. The organization was created to bring a safe space to young ladies that are just starting their careers in the A/E/C industry. The mission is to grow and develop these women so that upon graduation they will be professionally and personally be ready to enter the field. Though I have graduated, I’m very proud that I left behind such a tangible resource and opportunity-filled organization that young ladies will have the ability participate in for years to come.

What’s the best lesson you’ve learned (so far)? The best lesson I’ve learned is to “get comfortable with being uncomfortable!” When you’re hesitant to embrace change and growth, you ultimately hinder your ability to get out of your own way and in turn, it hinders many opportunities that you could have been a part of. No one grows in their comfort zone! The moment I began to live by this – my confidence flourished, I expanded my perspective things, and pushed myself beyond familiar boundaries, which aided in my personal and professional growth.

Are you currently a part of any organizations (personal or professional)? I am currently a member of the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) and the AGC Young Leadership Program (AGC YLP).
What made you want to work the construction industry? I always loved building and piecing things together, whether that was with Legos or puzzles. I have always had a hands-on approach in my learning style – wanting to touch, feel, and see what I created. This is where my love for the built environment was rooted from. I knew I wanted to create and leave a long-lasting impact on the community as well as within the construction industry. Through construction, I would be able to leave a life-long impact for the betterment of my surrounding community. I sought advice from successful women in the field who encouraged me to take a chance on Construction Management. That was over five years ago, and I have yet to look back.

Black Americans have contributed to the foundation and framework of the construction industry. How do you think the industry has been impacted by growing and welcoming more diverse voices? And what does this mean for the industry’s future? For decades, the A/E/C Industry has faced many challenges with diversity and inclusion. In recent years, there have been more active measures that I have seen taken to promote the need for more diverse voices and backgrounds (i.e. the growth and development of DEI committees). By embracing diversity, it is beginning to shift more towards a forward-thinking industry. Recognizing the need for more inclusive and diverse spaces, positions us to steadily thrive and meet the demands of diverse personnel that will positively contribute to the areas that we serve. Change is good and slow and steady progress is better than no progress at all.

Why do you believe it’s important for the organizations to commemorate Black History Month? Recognizing Black History Month is not just about acknowledging what has happened in the past, but also is necessary to actively participate in creating an inclusive and equitable environment for your employees to come to everyday. By taking these steps, organizations and companies are more apt to foster a more positive work environment, attract diverse talent, and internally/externally demonstrate their commitment to their social responsibility.
What is your ‘why’? What inspires you? Leaving a positive lasting impact on the lives of others. To me, a meaningful life does not amount to the amount of materialistic possessions that I own. Having the ability to contribute to something beyond just me, myself, and I allows me to continuously take a selfless approach to every situation presented to me. It connects me with a bigger purpose and enhances my mindfulness. The fulfillment I receive beyond a personal achievement is knowing that I added value and benefit to someone else’s life whether I know it or not.