Project Highlight: Ivy Creek Baptist Church
We are celebrating one year of the completion of the renovation and expansion project with Ivy Creek Baptist Church. Our Albion team partnered with CDH Partners were selected to provide general construction and design services for the construction of the Ivy Creek Baptist Church Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall Expansion and New Education Building. Despite the ongoing challenges that were presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, we were able to provide the Ivy Creek congregation with a brand-new worship space that they can enjoy for years to come!
The project at Ivy Creek Baptist was a renovation and addition to multiple buildings on their current campus. The renovation and addition to the existing sanctuary, New Education Building, and the Fellowship Hall Addition.

Renovated Sanctuary Building The existing Sanctuary was a 10,775 sq.ft. 2-story building. This project’s scope included renovations to the entire 10,775 sq.ft. to meet the church’s current ministries, which included relocating the choir suite to the upper floor of the Narthex. The Narthex was also renovated to provide a larger welcome area and enlarged restrooms. In addition to the renovation of the existing spaces the project consisted of an additional 5,300sf new construction. This new construction included expanding the Sanctuary Worship space to increase the seating to over 500 seats. Along with the addition to the Sanctuary, a connection corridor was provided to connect the renovated Narthex to the New Education building.

New Education Building A new 3-story 26700 sq.ft. Education Building was added to the site, located between the existing Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall Buildings. This new Education Building was primarily added to meet the growing need of the church’s Children’s Ministry. Along with additional classrooms, a large activity room was provided for large group gatherings. This building also included several Adult Education Classrooms.

Fellowship Hall Addition The existing Fellowship Hall Building lacked convenient access to restrooms and internal access to the remainder of campus. This 6,570 sq.ft addition allows access to public restrooms and an interior corridor connection to the New Education building and Sanctuary. The Architectural style of the exterior was designed to complement the traditional architecture of the existing campus, consisting of matching brick and stucco trim. The design of the exterior element of the building was focused on maintaining the historic façade of the campus and the surrounding facilities.

Albion’s Project Manager, Abu Kanu, and Albion Superintendent, John Sherman collaborated closely throughout the duration of this project. These two are true experts of their crafts and were able to find creative solutions for every obstacle that arose. With the Abu and John make it their mission to pro excellent communication skills ensured that the entire project team, from design professionals to subcontractors to our owner, were quickly aware of any potential issues and devised a plan to address those issues without impacting the project activities and schedule. During the execution phase, our project team met with the owner representatives, design professionals, and subcontractors on a bi-weekly basis to review the project schedule, budget, scope changes, material deliveries, and lead time. Provide updates and identify items affecting the project and address those items in a timely manner. This ultimately led to Albion delivering the project on time and within budget.

“Working with CDH Architect, Scott Arnold on the Ivy Creek Baptist Church project was delightful. Throughout the project lifecycle, Mr. Arnold demonstrated professionalism and competency in addressing issues that crept through the project execution phase. I look forward to another opportunity to work with CDH Architects, specifically Scott Arnold. He is team-oriented and focused on addressing our team’s and client’s demands and needs. Jeff Bowen is a fantastic client, and I would love to work for him on future projects. The Ivy Creek church campus remained active during construction, requiring more significant than usual coordination and communication between the owner’s representatives and the contractor. Jeff Bowen worked closely with our team to ensure our needs were promptly addressed without impacting our progress.”
Abu Bakkar Kanu
Albion Project Manager