Georgia State University Library North

In 2021, Albion was selected as the general contractor to convert Georgia State University’s existing grade level parking lot located beneath the Library North building into a new world class study and collaboration space for the students. This unique project consisted of a renovation to the existing GSU Library North facility by transforming an existing parking garage located beneath the building into an 19,000 sq. ft. study space and collaborative environment for students and faculty to enjoy. Albion worked alongside the team at PRAXIS3 and GSU stakeholders throughout the design and construction phases. We owe it to great strategic planning with the design team at PRAXIS3, great communication with GSU and the skilled hands of our subcontractors to make this project one to remember. In the beginning stages of the project, we completed extensive demolition and sitework beneath an a constantly active building located in the heart of Downtown Atlanta. At the time of construction, GSU students, staff, and faculty completely occupied all adjacent spaces. Due to this obstacle, we made it our mission that the construction tasks be efficient, yet non-invasive enough to allow progress to continue for the building’s inhabitants despite the active location. As for the demolition and excavation phase, our first goal was to coordinate so that it would begin during a break in the academic calendar. We were able to coordinate an early release of the demolition allowing us to complete much of the work before students arrived back on campus for the Fall academic semester. Along with demolition challenges, we faced the task of removing approximately 3 ft. of soil beneath the existing Library North Building. In order to remove the soil, we utilized small equipment that allowed us to operate with the utmost precision in the very low head heights of the parking lot. Spoils were staged in such a way that the trucks that removed them from the property were able to back into the site between fence lines always keeping them out of the pathway of pedestrians. It was part of our mission to approach this project with an extreme sense of urgency. Because of this, we were able to complete the work four months in advance of the contractual completion date all while consistently working through various challenges. The contractual completion date was projected for February 18, 2024, and the team was able to complete the work ahead of schedule receiving the Certificate of Completion on October 17, 2023.