Albion Represented at GASFA Fall Conference

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The 2017 GASFA Fall Conference took place September 24-26 in Jekyll Island, Georgia. GASFA, or the Georgia Association of State Facilities Administrators, is Georgia’s state affiliate of the National Association of State Facilities Administrators (NASFA). NASFA and its state affiliates represent the professionals of state facility departments of administration, transportation, real estate, parks, corrections, human services, and colleges and universities. These professional organizations were founded so that facility managers and members of the construction and engineering industries could better communicate and coordinate on the issues that matter most.
Despite some damage by Hurricane Irma in the area, the conference still took place. Members of Albion’s team attended the conference and sponsored the ‘Longest Drive’ competition during Sunday’s golf tournament. Aside from networking and meeting with various clients of ours who belong to GASFA, the conference is an incredible educational opportunity. There are various seminars and sessions where different perspectives are presented, thus increasing our knowledge of issues that arise for our clients and how we can better help serve them.
We are looking forward to GASFA’s next event and similar opportunities to continue to grow in our industry.
Thank you GASFA for another great conference!

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