Albion Secures a Spot on the ACG 40 Fastest Growing Companies in Georgia List!

Albion is honored to be recognized as one of the ACG (Association for Corporate Growth) 40 Fastest Growing Companies in Georgia!
The Atlanta National Chapter of the ACG is a global professional organization with the mission of Driving Middle Market Growth ®. Companies on the list are for profit and headquartered in Georgia and span across a variety of industries including construction, logistics, healthcare, manufacturing, and financial services, among others.
ACG’s Global Network comprises more than 100,000 middle market professionals from corporations, private equity, finance, and professional service firms representing Fortune 500, Fortune1000, FTSE 100, and mid-market companies in 59 chapters in North America and Europe. Founded in 1974, ACG Atlanta is one of the oldest and most active chapters, providing the area’s executives and professionals a unique forum for exchanging ideas and experiences concerning organic and acquisitive growth.
“The companies being honored this year demonstrate the strength and significance of the middle market sector in Georgia,” said Melanie Brandt CEO of the Association for Corporate Growth’s South Region and ACG Atlanta President and CEO.
Albion submitted three years of verifiable revenue and employment growth records to qualify. The ACG selection committee then evaluated our application and then we chose for the next step, the interview process. Albion successfully portrayed our excellent growth and how awesome our company is during the interview. Albion is proud to say we were awarded one of the spots on the 40 company list!
“These companies represent more than 6,600 new jobs and nearly 2.4 billion dollars in revenue growth over the last three years,” said Michelle Galvani, chairperson of the Georgia Fast 40 Awards and Executive Managing Director with Wildmor Advisors. “In speaking with many of the CEO’s, the supportive business environment and accessibility of capital are contributors to growth. By far the biggest challenge is tightness of the labor market.”
Albion takes immense pride in our employees and the growth of our company- so much so that we became a 100% Employee Owned Company this year! Thank you to the ACG and we are looking forward to attending the award ceremony taking place in June!